Why I love AMC

There are silences in life. Quiet moments that appear to move more slowly than the frantic, rushed world we live in. In a world where time is a commodity and we are barraged constantly by more information at once than we could ever process efficiently, these moments have a weight to them. These heavy seconds suffuse insignificant actions with meaning. A man sitting at a coffee booth takes a sip from a mug. But as he does so, his brow furrows. Is that anger? Annoyance? The man sitting opposite him on the tattered vinyl seat simply stares, revealing nothing. You can see by the first man’s inability to sit still and unwillingness to look his (lunch? Breakfast?) partner in the eyes that he is clearly not the one with the upper hand here. They continue to regard one another in awkward, pregnant silence. Dishes clatter loudly, silverware rattles. When there is no noise to drown it out, no competing for reverberation, everything becomes loud. More than that, it becomes a kind of punctuation for our emotions.

***** spoilers after the jump. you have been warned.*****

random quotes from cunning linguists

I am an avid collector of things, and words are no exception. These are some of my favorite quotes on writing and society, including the one at the top of my page. I haven't had much time to write this week, and I can't say it as well as they can, anyway...plus I just really like lists.

Are we evolving or devolving?

I am not a person you would normally spot at a rock show of the heavier variety. Ask me to name a few Rob Zombie songs and I will fare alright (provided White Zombie counts, as that is about the extent of my knowledge.) Ask me to name just one Slayer song and I'm out of the game. I hadn't even heard of Exodus before today, aside a nagging feeling that I may have spotted the band name once or twice splayed across the front of a black t-shirt in that dripping, blood red font so often seen at Hot Topic and Spencers.
Still, you only live once (at least as far as I'm concerned...) so, I figure, why the hell not? If nothing else, as I see it, you can't really make an educated, informed judgement on anything if you haven't seen it.
As my own, personal little joke, I decide to not dress for the show but, rather, to dress for myself. That is to say, pretty goddamned out of place at a Rob Zombie/Slayer/Exodus show. It works a little too well, and I end up feeling like the nerdy girl your mom made you invite to the party for the greater part of the evening.